#ColorIsHere - EnChroma
Ellis Cx3 Sun
In collaboration with California based brand EnChroma, we want to spread awareness about color blindness and its effects in everyday life.
Do you even realize that 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women are color blind? The facts are far from optimistic. About 350 million worldwide and 13 million in the US struggle with color blindness. People with normal color vision see over one million hues and shades of the color, but the color blind only see an estimated 10% of colors and hues. This all leads to further problems like mismatching clothes, having troubling telling if something is cooked or not, seeing some, but not all the colors of the sunset, being unable to do certain jobs not to mention daily frustrations.
Innovative EnChroma glasses enable the color blind to experience a broader range of clear, vibrant and distinct color for the very first time in their lives! For a person with normal color vision being a supporter for some of my friends who are color blind and so many more worldwide is a true privilege. EnChroma advanced technology in outdoor and indoor glasses makes the world come alive, reduces color confusion, and enables access to enjoying new colorful experiences in nature, the arts and different hobbies.
Find out more at enchroma.com