
Calvin Klein  

What’s your favorite time during the day? I love long, lazy mornings. Unfortunately during the week my busy schedule doesn’t allow me to stay in bed longer. But the weekends, they definitely belong to everything except hard work ;)

As a person for whom fashion industry has no secrets I can tell you that there’s nothing more important than good & comfy underwear. Even the most trendy clothes can look indistinct if we don’t care about what’s under them. Good underwear is like the second skin. Also if we stay at home and none can see us except our beloved ones. Since my teenage years I’m obsessed with Calvin Klein undies. Of course I always choose black. This is one of my favorite colors if it comes to lingerie. CK brand has everything from great old school design to the best quality so you can find a really huge number of #mycalvins in my wardrobe. And I’m not even sorry because pretty underwear makes it all better!