The Salt Caramel

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Something to tell you...

Me & my dad / 96’  

This post will be different from others. It’s very special and emotional. I never post things about my private life and my family, so this message probably will be the last one about my certain feelings for some aspects of life. Also this post is dedicated to the people who lost someone in their life and don’t know how to survive, and live the happy life even after something like that. You’re not alone! When I was 8 my beloved dad died for a sudden heart attack. It was the hardest part of my life and still is. I was so lost and I couldn’t handle why my friends have both parents and I’m only with my mother. I was simply jealous and angry for the entire world. And you know what happened next? I promised myself that the life which was given to me will be the most amazing life to make my dad proud of me. I setted up my lifetime goals and next I started realizing them. Of course there were a lot of disappointments and tears along the way but I never gave up. And now I can clearly admit that my life looks exactly like the life I dreamed about when I was a kid. I always believed that there is a specific and inconceivable strenght from heaven which impacts on our lives here on the earth. Someone smarter than us writes our stories, knowing what or whom we need at specific stage of our lives, our souls and feelings. I don’t even try to understand why some strange things happened to me. I’m not good in exposing myself but one thing I know for sure, we must accept humbly what is given to us and remember that only love is the most important thing in life.